Protein Binding Microarray Service

What is A Protein Binding Microarray?

Protein binding microarray is an innovative and high-throughput technique designed to study interactions between proteins and a wide array of other molecules, including DNA, RNA, peptides, and small molecules. This powerful tool allows researchers to simultaneously analyze thousands of potential interactions on a single platform, making it invaluable for understanding complex biological processes, such as gene regulation, signal transduction, and cellular communication.

The protein binding microarray technology relies on a solid surface, typically a glass slide, onto which thousands of distinct molecular probes are immobilized in a precise grid-like pattern. These probes can include oligonucleotides, peptides, small molecules, or other proteins. Once the microarray is prepared, the protein or proteins of interest are applied to the surface. The interactions between the immobilized probes and the proteins are then detected and quantified using various detection methods, most commonly fluorescence labeling. The detection methods are highly sensitive and can provide detailed quantitative information about binding affinities and specificities.

Features of Protein Binding Microarray

High Throughput: It is ability to analyze thousands of interactions in parallel. This high-throughput capability significantly speeds up the process of identifying and characterizing protein interactions compared to traditional methods like electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) or co-immunoprecipitation.

Versatility: This technology can be adapted to study a wide range of molecular interactions. Whether the focus is on protein-DNA, protein-RNA, protein-peptide, or protein-small molecule interactions, protein binding microarray provides a flexible platform for diverse applications. This versatility makes it a crucial tool in various research fields, including genomics, proteomics, and drug discovery.

Quantitative Analysis: It not only identifies interactions but also provides quantitative data on binding affinities. This quantitative aspect is essential for understanding the strength and nature of the interactions, which can inform functional studies and therapeutic development.

Sensitivity: The sensitivity of protein binding microarray allows for the detection of low-abundance interactions that might be missed by less sensitive techniques. This high sensitivity is particularly important when studying proteins that are present in low concentrations or interactions that are weak but biologically significant.

Comprehensive Profiling: This technology enables comprehensive profiling of protein interactions, offering a broad overview of potential binding partners. This comprehensive approach helps in uncovering novel interactions and understanding the broader interaction network within a biological system.

Protein Binding Microarray Services by Creative Proteomics

Creative Proteomics offers a wide range of tailored protein binding microarray services to address specific research questions and experimental goals. Our services include:

DNA-Protein Interaction Analysis:

  • Identification of Transcription Factor Binding Sites: By immobilizing DNA sequences onto the microarray, we can identify and characterize the binding sites of transcription factors, providing insights into gene regulatory networks and transcriptional control mechanisms.
  • Study of DNA-Binding Proteins: Our PBM platform allows for the detailed analysis of proteins that bind to specific DNA regions, which is crucial for understanding processes like DNA replication, repair, and recombination.

Protein-Protein Interaction Mapping:

  • Analysis of Protein Complexes: We offer services to study protein-protein interactions, enabling the identification of protein complexes and the mapping of signaling pathways. This information is vital for understanding cellular signaling and the formation of multi-protein assemblies.
  • Investigation of Post-Translational Modifications (PTMs): Our PBM technology can be used to analyze how PTMs, such as phosphorylation or ubiquitination, influence protein-protein interactions. This is key for understanding the regulation of protein functions and cellular responses.

Peptide-Protein Binding Studies:

  • Screening of Peptide Libraries: We provide services to screen extensive peptide libraries against proteins of interest. This can help identify peptides that modulate protein activity, acting as inhibitors or activators, which are important for therapeutic development.
  • Characterization of Peptide Inhibitors/Activators: Detailed binding studies are performed to characterize peptides that interact with target proteins, aiding in the development of novel therapeutic agents.

Small Molecule-Protein Interaction:

  • Identification of Drug Targets: Our PBM services can identify potential drug targets by analyzing interactions between small molecules and proteins. This helps in the discovery of new therapeutic targets and understanding drug mechanisms of action.
  • Study of Off-Target Effects: By examining the interaction of small molecules with a wide array of proteins, we can identify off-target effects, providing valuable information for drug safety and efficacy evaluations.

Workflow for Protein Binding Microarray

Sample Requirements

Sample Type Purity Concentration Minimum Quantity Storage Handling Precautions
Protein High ≥ 1 mg/mL 1 mg/mL -80°C Avoid freeze-thaw cycles
DNA High N/A 50 µg -20°C Avoid contamination
RNA High N/A 50 µg -80°C Use RNase-free conditions
Peptides High N/A 1 mg -20°C Use sterile containers
Small Molecules High N/A 1 mg Cool, dry place Detailed handling info

General Considerations

  • Sample Integrity: Ensure all samples are fresh and have not been exposed to conditions that could compromise their integrity (e.g., extreme temperatures, prolonged exposure to light).
  • Labeling: Clearly label all samples with relevant information, including concentration, volume, and any special handling instructions.
  • Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation, including sample origin, preparation methods, and storage conditions.

Technology Platforms and Equipment for Protein Binding Microarray (PBM)

Microarray Preparation Devices

Microarray Spotting Systems:

  • These automated systems precisely deposit biomolecules onto solid surfaces, ensuring uniform spot sizes and densities.
  • Performance Features: High throughput capabilities, capable of spotting thousands of samples in a single run, ensuring reproducibility and accuracy.
  • Application Value: Essential for large-scale screening studies and high-content analysis in proteomics and genomics research.

Microarray Hybridization Stations:

  • These devices facilitate the controlled and efficient hybridization of biomolecules on microarray slides.
  • Performance Features: Temperature and humidity control, optimized for sensitive binding interactions, ensuring reliable data acquisition.
  • Application Value: Critical for studying protein-protein interactions, DNA-protein binding assays, and molecular profiling in diverse biological samples.

Analysis Equipment

Microarray Scanners:

  • Our advanced scanners capture fluorescent signals from microarrays with high sensitivity and resolution.
  • Performance Features: High dynamic range, rapid scanning capabilities, and customizable settings for various assay formats.
  • Application Value: Enables precise quantification of binding affinities and interactions, essential for generating comprehensive datasets in biomolecular research.

Data Analysis Software:

  • Specialized software packages for data extraction, normalization, and analysis of PBM results.
  • Performance Features: User-friendly interface, robust statistical tools, and integration with databases for annotation and pathway analysis.
  • Application Value: Facilitates interpretation of complex interaction data, accelerating insights into molecular mechanisms and biological pathways.
* This service is for RESEARCH USE ONLY, not intended for any clinical use.