Top Molecular Dynamics Simulation Software Free, Open-Source, and Commercial Options

Overview of Popular MD Simulation Software

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a computational technique used to study the behavior and interactions of atoms and molecules over time. By solving Newton's equations of motion numerically, MD simulation can reveal the time evolution of molecular systems in detail. This method can predict the position, velocity, and energy of molecules, as well as their behavior when interacting with each other, providing valuable information about the structural, dynamic, and thermodynamic properties of various materials and biological systems. MD simulations are critical in chemistry, biochemistry, materials science, and nanotechnology because they allow the study of complex systems that are difficult or impossible to observe experimentally. For example, Wu and Jieting et al. used MD simulation technology to comprehensively summarize the mechanism of plant biomolecules in the environment revealed by MD simulation, providing insights into the wide application of MD simulation in plant biomolecules.

With the improvement of computing power, MD simulation has become an indispensable tool in research and development. This article will introduce you to the most commonly used MD simulation tools and give you advice on choosing the right one.

Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Molecular Dynamics Simulation uses the basic principles of classical mechanics to solve the equations of motion of particles based on the interactions between atoms and molecules, to simulate the evolution of systems over time. In dynamic simulations, the object of study is seen as a series of particles described by a classical force field. Force fields include all interactions between particles, usually including short-range van der Waals forces, long-range Coulomb forces, and covalent bonding effects. As shown in the figure below, by iteratively calculating the motion of each particle, MD can simulate the change of particle length at different time steps, which provides an important numerical basis for studying the structure and dynamic behavior of particles at the molecular level.

MD simulation resultsFigure 1: MD simulation results sample graph. (Liu, Lingyu et al.,2023)

List of MD Simulation Software

Different molecular dynamics simulation software is different in function, application range, performance, and user-friendliness. Choosing the right MD software should be based on the specific research needs, the size of the simulation system, and the requirements for computing resources.

We have compiled software that can be used for molecular dynamics simulation and have attached the corresponding website. For instructions on How to use this software, you can refer to the subsequent article, Step-by-Step Tutorial: How to Do a Molecular Dynamics Simulation.

  • GROMACS: GROMACS mainly focuses on the simulation of biomolecules, providing efficient computational performance, especially suitable for dealing with large-scale biological systems such as proteins and nucleic acids.
  • LAMMPS: LAMMPS is more flexible, supports multiple physical models and complex particle systems, and is widely used in materials science and nanotechnology to handle high particle numbers and multi-scale simulations.
  • AMBER: AMBER focuses on the biomolecular field, and AMBER is more suitable for protein folding and binding of small molecule drugs.
  • CHARMM: CHARMM also focuses on the field of biomolecules, where CHARMM specializes in dealing with long-range interactions between molecules.

You can find more information in the table below.

Table 1. MD simulation software detail comparison

Development Background Initially focused on biomolecules, now extended to other fields Primarily for materials science, supports various particle types and interactions Mainly designed for biomolecules, especially protein and nucleic acid simulations Mainly designed for biomolecules (especially proteins) Originally designed for large-scale biomolecular simulations, now used in various fields
Force Fields Supports a wide range of biomolecular and small-molecule force fields Supports multiple force fields including classical Lennard-Jones AMBER force field, designed for biomolecules (e.g., proteins) CHARMM force field, designed for biomolecules (e.g., proteins) Supports multiple force fields, including CHARMM and AMBER
Simulation Types Primarily for biomolecular simulations, but now expanded Suitable for a wide range of materials, nanotechnology, and biomolecular simulations Primarily for biomolecular and drug design simulations Primarily for biomolecular simulations (proteins, nucleic acids) Originally for large-scale biomolecular simulations, now versatile
Parallel Computing Capability Highly efficient, supports GPU acceleration Highly parallelized, supports GPU acceleration and large-scale parallel computing. Supports parallel computing, typically run in high-performance computing environments Supports parallel computing, optimized for multi-core computing environments Highly parallelized, optimized for large-scale parallel computing

Free Molecular Dynamics Simulation Software

Free molecular dynamics simulation software is usually open source and does not require licensing fees.


GROMACS is an efficient MD simulation software specifically designed for the simulation of biomolecules, chemical molecules, and materials. Its performance optimization is very good, especially in parallel computing and GPU acceleration, suitable for large-scale simulation. GROMACS supports a variety of force fields (such as OPLS, CHARMM, etc.) and a variety of simulation techniques, including molecular dynamics, free energy calculation, etc. The software supports Linux, MacOS, and Windows operating systems.


LAMMPS is an open-source and highly customizable MD simulation software that is widely used in materials science, solid-state physics, and nanotechnology. LAMMPS is particularly suited for massively parallel computing, with systems capable of processing millions of particles.


OpenMM is an open-source MD simulation platform suitable for biomolecular simulation. OpenMM allows users to write simulations via Python scripts, greatly improving flexibility and extensibility. It supports various force fields.

Commercial Molecular Dynamics Simulation Software

Commercial molecular dynamics simulation software typically provides a wider range of functionality and expertise for large research projects and industrial applications. This software often has special features for specific domains and application needs.


CHARMM is an MD simulation software developed at Harvard University for simulating biomolecules and chemical molecules. CHARMM offers a variety of force fields and simulation techniques for the study of the structure and interactions of complex biological macromolecules.


NAMD is a high-performance MD simulation software developed by National Biomedical Computing Resources. It is suitable for simulating large protein complexes and cell membrane systems.

Choosing the Right MD Simulation Software

MD simulation is a computer technique used to analyze the movement of molecules over time. This needs to be represented by changes in system parameters such as energy, bond length, bond Angle, dihedral Angle, flatness, Coulomb force, and van der Waals force. Different software has different parameters. Therefore, selecting the right molecular dynamics (MD) simulation software is a key step in conducting effective scientific research and experiments.

Key Considerations for Selecting MD Simulation Software

Research Objectives and Applications

If the research mainly involves proteins, nucleic acids, or other biological macromolecules, software such as GROMACS, AMBER, CHARMM, or Desmond will be the best choice. Such software optimizes algorithms for handling biomolecular systems, improving protein folding, molecular docking, and drug screening accuracy. For simulations involving materials such as metals, ceramics, polymers, and nanomaterials, LAMMPS can be selected. This software can handle complex physical systems and support a variety of force fields and multi-scale simulations.

Computational Resources

The computing requirements of MD simulation are often large, so the selection of software needs to consider the available computing resources. Different MD software has different requirements for computing resources. Most modern MD software supports parallel computing, which can speed up the simulation process with multi-core processors and compute clusters. If you have GPU resources, choosing MD software that supports GPU acceleration (e.g. GROMACS, Desmond, NAMD) can significantly improve the efficiency of simulations, especially at large scale. The computational efficiency of different software can vary greatly, and the simulation scale and required accuracy directly affect the time and cost of calculation. You need to weigh your choices based on your budget and computing resources.

Software Flexibility and Customization

Some MD software such as LAMMPS and GROMACS offer a wide range of plugins and scripting capabilities that allow users to customize and extend to specific needs. For example, users can write their own programs to handle special force fields or simulation methods. The role of force fields in MD simulation is crucial, and different software supports different force fields. Choosing MD software that supports multiple force fields (e.g. GROMACS, AMBER, CHARMM) allows you to choose according to the specific needs of your research.

In addition, while most MD software relies on command line operations, some software such as Schrodinger's Desmond and Materials Studio provides a more intuitive graphical interface for users with no programming experience.

Software Stability and Updates

Software stability and update frequency are also important factors in the selection. Regularly updated software fixes known bugs and vulnerabilities in a timely manner and adds new features. Especially when conducting long, large-scale simulations, software stability is crucial. Most popular open-source software such as GROMACS and LAMMPS have regular releases that fix bugs and add features; Commercial software is also regularly updated to optimize performance. Software stability is critical for simulations over long periods of time, especially when conducting large-scale molecular dynamics simulations and choosing a software version that is known to be stable can avoid operational outages or data loss.

The selection of suitable molecular dynamics simulation software needs to be considered according to many factors such as research objectives, computing resources, customizability, software support, and cost. Biomolecular researchers may prefer AMBER, CHARMM, or Desmond, while materials scientists may prefer LAMMPS or GROMACS.

Comparison of Free, Open-Source, and Commercial Options

When choosing molecular dynamics simulation software, researchers are typically faced with three main options: free software, open-source software, and commercial software. Each option has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the most appropriate software depends on research needs, budget, available resources, and requirements for software support.

Free Software

Freeware refers to MD simulation software that users can obtain and use for free. Although they generally do not have as many features and technical support as commercial software, they are still widely used in academic and personal research. There are two main types of free MD simulation software: open-source software and proprietary freeware. The code of open-source software is public, and users can modify and optimize it according to their needs, while proprietary free software usually has specific terms of use and restrictions.

Free molecular dynamics simulation software typically has zero cost, high flexibility, and customizability, and is supported by a broad user community. This software such as GROMACS and LAMMPS can meet the needs of basic scientific research and academic research, but often lack the advanced functions and professional technical support of commercial software, update and stability may not be as stable as commercial software.

Open-Source Software

Open-source molecular dynamics simulation software, such as GROMACS and LAMMPS, offers a high degree of customizability and flexibility, allowing users to modify the source code for a variety of research tasks as needed. In addition, they are free and are often provided with rich documentation and tutorials by an active community. However, the learning of open-source software requires some programming ability and may not provide timely professional services like commercial software. In addition, some open-source software may update less frequently or be more unstable than commercial software.

The source code of open-source software is public and anyone is free to use, modify, and distribute it. The community for this type of software is usually very active, and users can customize and optimize it according to their needs.

Commercial Software

Commercial software is molecular dynamics simulation software developed and sold by specialized companies. This type of software usually has more features, better performance optimization, and specialized technical support, and is suitable for enterprises and research institutions that need high accuracy, stability, and support.

Commercial software such as Desmond, AMBER, and CHARMM have the advantages of strong stability, rich features, and professional support, but require expensive licensing fees and may be subject to licensing agreements.

Key Differences and Use Cases

Free, open-source and commercial MD software have their own advantages and limitations, and choosing the right software requires consideration of budget, research objectives, functional requirements, technical support, and computing resources. For most basic and academic research, open-source or free MD software (e.g. GROMACS, LAMMPS) is sufficient. For industrial applications or tasks involving high-precision simulations, commercial software (e.g. Desmond, AMBER, CHARMM) may be a better choice.

Table 2. Comparison of different types of MD software

Feature Free Software Open-Source Software Commercial Software
Cost Free Free High (License Required)
Customizability Limited Highly Customizable Limited
Technical Support Community-Based Community-Based Professional Support
Performance Optimization Basic Moderate Advanced
Functionality Limited to Standard Needs Flexible for Advanced Needs Extensive and Specialized
Update Frequency Rare Frequent (Community-driven) Frequent and Official Updates
Stability Moderate Varies (Community-driven) Very Stable
Usage in Commercial/Industry Rare Often Used in Academic/Research Common in Industry


  1. Wu, Jieting et al. "Application of molecular dynamics simulation for exploring the roles of plant biomolecules in promoting environmental health." The Science of the Total Environment vol. 869 (2023): 161871. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.161871
  2. Liu, Lingyu, et al. "Network Pharmacology, Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics to Explore the Potential Immunomodulatory Mechanisms of Deer Antler." International journal of molecular sciences vol. 24,12 10370. 20 Jun. 2023, doi:10.3390/ijms241210370
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